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The irreplaceable and fragile natural and cultural heritage has never been so jeopardized, due to wars, identarian closures, the consumer society, demography, among many other threats.


Taking an open and positive look at his own heritage of proximity and its interdependencies with the global heritage, carries tolerance, pacification and solidarity.


The mission of the HERITAGE & CIVILISATION association is to transmit heritage in a lively and educational way. With our actions in France and internationally, we want to create the conditions for a better world for future generations by raising awareness, obtaining commitments from authorities and populations, and leading preservation and restoration projects around the natural and cultural heritage.


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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela.


By nature, the patrimony is an heritage that we transmit to youth and future generations. The ODYSSÉE is an international program which proposes that young people, in their scholar environment, seize their natural and cultural heritage, according to a modern educational approach. This will allow them to wear an open and positive look, on their local heritage, and its interdependencies with the global heritage, in a spirit of tolerance, appeasement and solidarity.


We named the program “ODYSSÉE”, an invitation to a journey of the mind, through the heritage.


Further to knowledges that the students will acquire during their adventure, they will discover that natural and cultural heritage is living, and that that they fully belong to it to share it and to convey it.

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